Project results
SDG-iLevel Maps
expected by 02/2025
17 SDG-iLevel Maps with detailed reference diagrams linking specific staff roles in major university staff groups and academic domains with specific individual SDG contributions.
Online Visibility Booster
An Online Visibility Booster, which allows university staff to quickly create and publish social media posts (smart texts and appealing images) to effectively promote their individual SDG contributions.
Self-Nudging Online Toolkit
A Self-Nudging Toolkit with over 30 nudges (small behavioural prompts) that encourage the users to think about their roles in the university and their current and potential contributions to specific SDGs.
MOOC on "Empowering University Staff to contribute to the SDGs"
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) helps university staff members to actively contribute to the SDGs. Six modules cover topics ranging from the basics of sustainable development to integrating the SDGs in teaching, research and university-community engagement.
Policy & Implementation Guidelines
expected by 02/2025
The Policy and Implementation Guidelines will empower department-level leaders to strategically plan, design, and take actionable steps in order to promote and leverage their employees' individual SDG contributions.
Departmental Roadmaps
expected by 02/2025
Three Departmental Roadmaps for implementation in partner universities. Each roadmap will include actionable steps, including the launch of a resource on the web dedicated exclusively to university staff's individual SDG contributions.
- This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Grant Agreement Number 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000027588. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.© Copyright 2022, SDG-iLevel project. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer & Privacy policy