University of Girona (UdG) is the SDG-iLevel project coordinator. UdG is located in Girona city and is part of the Catalan public university system since 1992. Deeply rooted in Catalonia and the Catalan culture, the UdG is one of the primary economic and cultural motors of the region while simultaneously pursuing a vocation of universality and openness to all traditions and cultures. UdG is a public institution devoted to excellence in teaching and research that strives to contribute to the progress and sustainable development of society through the creation, transmission, dissemination and review of knowledge related to sciences, technology, humanities and arts. Research at the UdG is carried out in more than 100 research groups associated to 22 departments and 12 research institutes. A considerable part of this research is conducted in international contexts, where the UdG has gained comprehensive experience in the management and coordination of international and European grants.
Meet the team:
In the SDG-iLevel project Jesús Granados Sánchez, Ingrid Mulà, Fatou Rodríguez Sane and Leslie Mahe Collazo Exposito are responsible for the development of the SDG-iLevel Maps and project management.
The University of Rijeka (UNIRi) is the fundamental educational and research institution in the western part of Croatia. It was founded in 1973 following a long-standing tradition of higher education institutions and activities. With 16,600 students, 1,300 academics, 12 faculties, 4 departments, 9 research and development centres, 174 accredited study programs, UNIRi has matured into a modern European university and centre of excellence whose impact extends beyond the region, supporting social and economic development in the local community, the City of Rijeka, and the wider region.
Meet the team:
All three project members from the University of Rijeka, Bojana Ćulum Ilić, Nena Vukelić and Nena Rončević, are employed at the Department of Education at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is a higher education institution aimed at promoting high standards in educating students in pursuit of bachelors, masters and PhD degrees in the field of social sciences and humanities.
Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) is a leading Lithuanian university providing a wide range of studies and closely cooperating with business. The University provides studies of engineering, technologies, physical and social sciences, humanities and arts. The research groups working at KTU contribute to the global scientific knowledge by conducting cutting edge interdisciplinary research on the most important questions of current time.
Meet the team:
In the SDG-iLevel project Prof. Eglė Staniškienė and Assoc. prof. Živilė Stankevičiūtė are responsible for developing the Department Roadmaps for the Promotion of Individual SDG Contributions.
The Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU) is an international quality assurance body dedicated to advancing higher education by supporting universities in their transformation process towards greater innovation, entrepreneurship and engagement. ACEEU strives to lead the way in a new era for higher education by evaluating, supporting, and igniting the potential of HEIs on their road to third mission excellence.
Meet the team:
Three key staff from ACEEU participate in SDG-iLevel: Emmanuel Adu Ohene, Aventia Wilona-Jülich, and Adisa Ejubovic. They will be responsible for developing the Online Visibility Booster, Self-Nudging Online Toolkit website and for the Quality Assurance of the project.
Senior Europa (Kveloce I+D+I) is an SME specialized in the development, implementation, and exploitation of R&D projects and their funding, with a history of more than 15 years. The company is composed by a team of 18 women with different and complementary profiles, distributed in three Spanish regions: Valencia (East region), Asturias (North regions) and Madrid (central region). Kveloce's main scope is the area of health and social innovation, in particular, socioeconomic impact assessment of innovation initiatives implemented to respond to the main global challenges in relation to education, inclusion, wellbeing, and human behaviour; Kveloce also promotes new business models, circular economy, green behaviors using different methodologies and capacity building programs including participatory processes, co-creation and new governance models; all of them using supportive user-friendly ICT solutions.
Meet the team:
In the SDG-iLevel project Gabriela Munares, Jessica Suarez and Julia Ferrando are responsible for developing the Self-Nudging Online Toolkit and adapting the Staff Workshop into a MOOC.
The COPERNICUS Alliance (CA) is the European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development. Founded in 2011, it unites more than 20 universities and colleges committed to transformational learning and change for sustainable development. Working closely with members in 16 countries and in partnership with strategic stakeholders, the CA identifies challenges in higher education for sustainable development and spearheads the development of processes, tools and knowledge to address these challenges from a whole-institution perspective.
Meet the team:
In the SDG-iLevel project Tom Kuppens and Mario Diethart are responsible for the development and implementation of the Staff Workshop as well as for the coordination of sustainability and dissemination activities.
- This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Grant Agreement Number 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000027588. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.© Copyright 2022, SDG-iLevel project. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer & Privacy policy