On 24 January 2025, the University of Girona (UdG) organized the first multiplier event of the SDG-iLevel project. The aim of the multiplier event was to present the project results to a diverse audience (which included academics from UdG and other Catalan universities, stakeholders from the city of Girona, and politicians).

The programme of the event started with an institutional welcoming from the Vice-rector of territory and social commitment and the Dean of the Faculty of education and psychology. After that, former rector Dr. Anna Maria Geli delivered a keynote lecture entitled: “Academics’ commitment and contributions as key elements for sustainability in higher education and society”.
In the next session, the research team of the UdG involved in the SDG-iLevel project presented the project results. Dr. Leslie Collazo presented the SDG-iLevel maps. She explained how the maps were created and gave an overview of some of the cases that have been selected.
Dr. Ingrid Mulà looked at two interrelated elements: the workshop that took place in Lüneburg and the creation of the MOOC on "Empowering University Staff to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals". This MOOC is hosted on the Open UdG platform and everybody can enrol for free.
Dr. Jesús Granados focused on three project results: the Online Visibility Booster, the Self-Nudging Toolkit and the Policy and Implementation Guidelines. A special session was dedicated to project result 6, which consists of three Departmental Roadmaps; University of Girona, Kaunas University of Technology, and University of Rijeka presented measures that each university developed for an imminent implementation in some of their departments.
Dr. Silvia Llach (Vice-rector of territory and social commitment), Dr. Montserrat Vilà (Dean of the Faculty of education and psychology) and Dr. Jordi Cicres (Head of the subject-specific education department) commented the measures of the roadmaps and expressed their commitment for the implementation at the UdG.